Thursday, May 15, 2014
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Almost Home, CottonWood Hot Springs
After RockyGrass, we hit Boulder to visit our dear friend Easy Mac and Lizard and RedWood. Yes, weird names, but we all met on the Appalachian Trail. They call us Rigatoni and Angel Hair, if that helps any. After Boulder, we made our way over to Longmont (15 miles) and stayed with our cousins Jill and Kevin and their kiddos. So in over 7 days, we've cycled exactly 25 miles!
After Jill and Kev's we saddled up the bicycles again and headed up and over Trail Ridge Road (12,100 ft.) in Rocky Mountain Nat'l Park. Lots of road cyclist on the road that would pass us as if we were standing still. I think the 7 days of non-cycling have affected us because today we only make it about 45 miles before we looked up at the looming switchbacks and decided to stealth camp on a flat piece of land hidden from the road. That's the beauty of cycle touring, good camping is only a small push of the bike away. We were lucky because exactly 20 minutes after getting up the tent, the skies opened up and we were experiencing a real Rocky Mountain downpour.
The next morning we got to experience the major climb. The views in RMNP are well worth the effort to get up there on your bicycle. In fact, once you get to the pass, there is a cafe where you can enjoy some coffee. That's above tree line at 12,000 feet. Most folks are just excited to be in such a place and they arrived in cars! So you can imagine how excited we were.
From there it was downhill into Grand Lake that had a great town park for us to take a nap in the shade. Our next stop was Uncle Jerry's in Silverthorne, home of the world famous Hot Tub. We spent the night there and enjoyed loads of good conversation.
Pushing onward from Silverthorne, we got to enjoy 15 miles of bike trail up to Copper Mountain and then the climb up to Fremont Pass on our way to Leadville. Fremont Pass is unique because it takes you right next to the Climax Molyebdenum Mine in all it glorious destruction. If every one from Crested Butte visited this site and saw what such a mine can do to the landscape, they'd be recharged to fight against the proposed mine in Crested Butte. It's horrible and sad.
We've had a "Foul Weather Fund" of $200 bucks since we started out on this adventure, which was meant for hotels along the way when the weather good too gnarly. But, surprisingly, we've only had to dip into it once, in La Barge, WY, and that was for mosquitoes, not rain. So since we have so much of it left, we've decided to treat ourselves to spa/resort/hot spring here in Buena Vista, only 60 miles from home.
That's where we find ourselves now. At CottonWood Hot Springs. They've got a great common room with couches, pool table, scrabble, computers, TVs, the works. The perfect hangout for long-distance cyclist. There there is the hot springs and the real bed! We are in heaven!! So we'll pass the night here and conquer cottonwood pass before coasting into Crested Butte and the completion of our tour. So now its off to the hot water and relaxation.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
RockyGrass 2009
I have decided that the only way to actually eat like an "American" is to bicycle 70 miles a day. That is what we are doing lately with our ice cream and fast food and soda intake. Luckily we are burning it all off as we cycle. This type of eating can continue for only 2 days after we finish our cycle tour unless we want to gain 5 lbs. a day. But for the time being, it is what we are craving. I feel sorry for folks that eat this way and don't do outlandish exercise to offset it. That is a recipe for disaster.
We arrived at RockyGrass on Thursday. After we checked-in we set out to set our tent up, seeking shade as our number one priority. It seemed odd to us that where we chose to set up was completely void of others but we just figured we were early, so we set up and headed out to visit our friend who lives in Lyons. I'm gonna make a long story short here. We we got back to our tent at around 8pm it was gone, literally. All our stuff was in too. We were sorta freaked out to say the least. Plus, the sea of humanity around where our tent used to be was completely out of control. You could not walk without tripping on a guy line of another tent. There was no grass left to be seen anywhere. I have never seen a festival camping scene with that sort a tent density. You could step from the door of one tent directly into another tent, I am not kidding. So we were sorta frantic for a bit, but the chaos of people made it so no one really knew (or cared) about the whereabouts of our tent and stuff. On our way to the main info desk, we stumbled on the new location of our tent. Someone (later we learn it was the RockyGrass "tent police", obviously ex-BlackWater employees) had moved our tent some 50 yards from its original spot. The must have drug it, because all our stuff was inside. They staked it out again (sort of) and now we were directly in a sun spot with neighbors about 1 foot on either side. Not our idea of a good campsite. So we decided to take the tent down and move to a more reasonable location. (Apparently we had set our tent up in a location that didn't "open" until like 6:30pm. Live and learn).
But, as has happened on this trip all the time, our bad luck turned into better luck. We ran into some friends who had some ground saved and they offered it to us. A quick compass calculation showed that it'd be in the shade in the morning (most important for sleeping-in, which I planned on doing) and we had a new home for the next 3 nites.
The lineup at RockyGrass is really unmatched by any other festival I've been to (except maybe MerleFest or Hardly Strictly). Any one of the many acts here would be the headliner at other festivals. They even had a TBA spot on the schedule that turned out to be none-other-than Yonder Mountain String Band. I was in heaven with all the good music. My favorite acts of the week had to be the Steve Earle, The Wilders (pictured below), Danny Paisley and Southern Grass, Del McCoury, California, Kruger Brothers, Steep Canyon Rangers, and Sarah Jarosz.
We won the RockyGrass campground challenge (for Saturday). This is the challenge for the most eco-friendly campsite. We advertised our site as having nothing, and hence the smallest footprint and most eco-friendly and got the most votes. We won a nice prize and got the BBT announced on the main stage which was cool. We also won this award at Telluride BF. It's nice to get a bit of recognition for bicycling to the festival.
I'm still sorta in shock that the BBT is somewhat over. We successfully hit 6 festivals in 8 weeks without any problems. I'm always grateful when we are able to this on any long-distance adventure, It is never a given since life can throw you many curveballs. Lucky of us, we are both good curveball hitters. Now we just have the 250 miles of riding to get home.
For those of you that are considering bicycle touring in the future, I'd like to highly recommend it. I can think of no better way to simplify your vacation plans. Life gets so easy when you are bicycle touring. The activity of the day is bicycling. All you really have to worry about is water and weather. Camp wherever you get tired. Save money because your main activity is the biking which is free. Eat lots of food, guilt free. See the country in a way that is not possible from an auto. And each month that your spend traveling on a bicycle you become more in tune with your body and your inner self (you have lots of time to think while you are pedalling). Your happiness will grow in spite of yourself. If there is a downside to bicycle touring, I'm at a loss to think of it.
Here's a closing pic: Biking about 1000 miles thru Wyoming has helped to deter us for ever wanting to try Meth. I guess that is a big problem for that state. Not sure why it's so bad there. Here is one billboard in downtown Laramie, WY.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Laramie, WY --> Lyons, CO RockyGrass!!!!!
Kiki had her first corn dog today and I mean ever! I guess the touring has finally opened up some cravings in her that she has been suppressing. She actually didn't know that corn dogs were wrapped in "Corn" bread until I made the connection to her that that was why they were called "Corn" dogs. We had a good laugh.
Got a great nights sleep and a great feed at Andy's house. How nice it is to land in friendly waters even after only 3 days of riding from the last festival.
Took backroads to Lyons from F.C. and have now arrived to the granddaddy of bluegrass festivals out west. Lots of "Lance Armstrong" types on the roads cycling past us without so much as a wave or a howdy. I find that a bit odd, but I guess that big city for ya (Say it isn't so Joe!). I've never seen tents packed so tight as this year at RockyGrass. You literally cannot walk through the sea of tents with out hurting yourself on a guy line.
Well, the library in Lyons is not offering long computer time, so I'll have to add more tidbits later. We'll be heading to friends in Boulder for visits on July 27-30th and then it's about 250 miles back to CB and the completion of the BBT. It's been a great "ride" and the lineup at RockyGrass is quite a reward for our efforts.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
License Plates for Snodgrass
You can check back at this link often and see what new license plates are available as I'll be adding more as I find them and succeed in getting them signed. And remember there is only ONE of each plate available. This is a one-of-a-kind souvenir and for a good cause too.
So if you'd like to donate to save a mountain while helping to beautify our highways and get a nifty autographed license plate you can do so by emailing me. I can send your plate when I return from the BBT after Aug. 5th. The plates can be purchased for $25.
The ever cool, Spring Creek, posing with Colorado plate #1, Spring Creek is from Colorado too. (this plate is still available)
Wyomingans, Anne and Pete Sibley with Wyoming plate #2, (this plate is still available)
BearTrap Festival --> Laramie, WY
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thermopolis --> Casper, Riding with the Tiger
The road from Thermopolis to Casper begins with 25 miles though the Wind River Canyon with was some stunning scenery. We get to Shoshoni after that and this appears to be more ghost town than real town. Most store fronts are boarded up and aside from the gas station, there is not much going on. Fine with us though as what is going on involves a counter to sit at and a fountain drink machine to refill our sodas with. I'm a little concerned with how much soda I can consume while I'm bike touring. Speaking of concerns, did I mention that I had ice cream 3 times yesterday? Oh yea, and speaking of yesterday, I met this 86-year old WWII vet that was just as nice as can be. He gave us a good run down of the history of Worland (where we were eating breakfast ice cream #1). But he did say one thing that was sorta odd. He was talking about Ten Sleep, the town, says, "Well once there's these hippies came to town and the locals just sheared 'em (guffaw!)." Now I'm not sure if he was refering to a physical shearing or a metaphorical shearing, but all the same I wasn't sure that it was a P.C. thing to say, then again, I'm not sure that he gave a damn. Still, a super nice old guy who I would have loved to chat with for weeks on end.
OK, back to the travels. We're now heading from Shoshoni to Casper on a road, Hwy 20/26, that one local describes, I'm not making this up, as "100 miles but it feels like 300". Now if that doesn't get you amped up to ride, I don't know what will. Below is a sample of that "300" miles. Nice shoulder though and we did have a wicked tailwind so we weren't complaining.
About 1/3 way to Casper, with no shade in sight, we get to the hamlet of Moneta (2 buildings). OK, time to do a little begging. We ask some guys drilling for water if we can take refuge in an old abandoned barn near them. They say "Sure, just watch out for rattlers". Hey, man, anywhere would have been better then in the sun and wind. So after kicking some dead rabbits from the barn that was giving the area a rather foul odor, we hunkered down for a couple hours in the shade. The drilling men came in after a while (and woke us) and we chatted about drilling. Actually, we bombarded them with all the questions one gets while cycling past all the oil and gas works in Wyoming. They we really nice. One called his Dad "his old man". Smoked Camels. And drank 2 Bud Lights each for break. Now this was "real Wyoming". Below is a pic of us in our pitiful break spot, you can't see all the rat turds, but they are there believe me.
At 1/2 way to Casper, we arrive to Hiland. This place was CLASSIC. Let me tell you, I did not say the O-word here (Obama). In fact I'm pretty sure I did everything I could to appear like a local oil-rigging roughneck who just happened to be on bicycle tour to 6 bluegrass festivals between assignments (I put my gum inside my lip to make it appear like I was chewing). Hiland is in the absolute center Wyoming on the map. We were elated to find out that they served Hamburgers and Fries. And tried not to pay too much attention to some of the wall decorations, like the one picture below or the photo of Hitler that said something to the effect of "Hitler registered firearms in 1935 for the betterment of the population", or something like that.
This gas station was sooo cool though and even had two lazy boys for us to relax in after our burgers and fries, which, by the way, only cost $5 each!
Today was really panning out to be the classic bike touring day, that is you never knew what was going to happen, it just kept happening. And that's when Aaron stolled in. We're like, "What! How did you get here?" He had hitched a ride with a couple Shoshoni Indians who were heading to Casper. His bike was thrown on the back of a big pile of luggage so that it was higher than the cab of the truck. All three of them squished into the cab of the small mini truck. We wished him well and will see him again in a couple days and can't wait to see what stories he'll have to tell.
So the wind is just howling and it's going in our favor. This makes for great biking, both because you can fly (15 mph vs. normally going 11mph) and you can speak normally because you don't have the wind in your ears. It really gives you a "rider's high" to cycle with the wind. We call it "Riding with the Tiger" as in Tiger Woods, as in TW, as in Tail Wind. We go thru all this code because we don't want to jinx the wind. Sorta like when someone is pitching a no hitter. Just ignore it and hope things don't change.
Did I tell you this place, Hiland gas stop, was the real deal? 50 miles from the next town? With a rifle sitting by the cashier (loaded I'm sure). I'm serious, right there, leaning on the counter, just begging some to drive off without paying for their gas. There were so many things I could have snapped picures of.
So the wind is just howling and it's going in our favor. This makes for great biking, both because you can fly (15 mph vs. normally going 11mph) and you can speak normally because you don't have the wind in your ears. It really gives you a riders high to cycle with the wind. We call it "Riding with the Tiger" as in Tiger Woods, as in TW, as in Tail Wind. We go thru all this code because we don't want to jinx the wind. Sorta like when someone is pitching a no hitter. Just ignore it. That's what we do too, just ignore the wind, don't mention it, and maybe it'll just stay the way it is. As we pulled into camp this evening, I realize we have just eclipsed 2000 miles. Yee-haw. A great ending to a wonderful day.