You can check back at this link often and see what new license plates are available as I'll be adding more as I find them and succeed in getting them signed. And remember there is only ONE of each plate available. This is a one-of-a-kind souvenir and for a good cause too.
So if you'd like to donate to save a mountain while helping to beautify our highways and get a nifty autographed license plate you can do so by emailing me. I can send your plate when I return from the BBT after Aug. 5th. The plates can be purchased for $25.
The ever cool, Spring Creek, posing with Colorado plate #1, Spring Creek is from Colorado too. (this plate is still available)
Wyomingans, Anne and Pete Sibley with Wyoming plate #2, (this plate is still available)
The ever cool, Spring Creek, posing with Colorado plate #1, Spring Creek is from Colorado too.
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