We have arrived in Buffalo, WY after 18 days taking the long way from the Telluride Bluegrass Festival. Buffalo is a typical Wyoming town. The sign says only 3500 inhabitants, but really it feels and looks like it should be 20,000. Maybe that's just a Wyoming thing with all the wide open space and all. The town itself is right on Interstate 90 just 30 miles south of Sheridan, so it has that Interstate feel (lots of hotels and lots of fast food), but looking past that it's got a lot more. The first thing I noticed when coming into town are all the sculptures of the by D. Michael Thomas. They are amazing and depict the Johnson Cattle cattle wars of 1892. I'll have to read up on that one. Below is the sculpture that greets you as you come into Buffalo on Hwy 16.

The festival is only in its 5th year and is still pretty small. It is at the fairgrounds. It reminds me a lot of the festival in Hotchkiss, CO but maybe only 1/3 of the size. Still, even with it's small size, I'm super excited about he line up, especially the SteelDrivers and Anne & Pete Sibley. Here's the line-up below:
The festival is only in its 5th year and is still pretty small.
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